R-Ochaya James, NPC DIRECTOR, (M) Elijah Alier Kuai , Managing Director, Media Authority and (L) Irena Irene Acting Principal of MDI at the office on 8th April, 2021


Today, 8th April, 2021 the executive director of NPC South Sudan Mr. Ochaya James Philip, Juma Peter of AMDISS and Irena Irene, acting principal of Media Development Institute MDI met the Managing Director of Media Authority, Elijah Alier Kuai at the MA’s new office along the Gumbo-Sharikat road.

The meeting covered a wide range of issues related to freedom of expression, access to information, and how best a vibrant media could be realized in South Sudan.

Mr. Ochaya who is also a co-chair in the committee of  the world press Freedom Day Also separately met the Central Equatorial State Minister of Information, Hon. Paulino Lukudu in his office at the EBC complex. The committee meeting had a discussion on the forthcoming World Press Freedom Day under the global theme “information as a public good.”


For more Information
Twitter: @NpcSouth
Hai Dar El-Salam, along Hai Tarawa Road.

NPC South Sudan takes part in the preparatory meeting of the world press Freedom Day 3rd May


NPC South Sudan takes part in the preparatory meeting of the world press Freedom Day 3rd May

Mr. Ochaya James Philip (in black suit), NPC South Sudan Executive Director together with the other two members participating in a joint meeting Organized by AMDISS and UNESCO in Juba on 7th April, 2021


Today, 7th April, 2021 the Executive Director of National Press Club NPC-South Sudan Mr. Ochaya James Philip, together with the other two members of the NPC-SS Secretariat participated in a joint meeting Organized by AMDISS and UNESCO ahead of the World Press Freedom Day on 3rd May, 2021. Today’s meeting at AMDISS is a preparatory meeting by the media Organizations to celebrate the world Press Freedom Day.

Besides, NPC-SS will take part in the preparation of the event as one of the registered media Organization in the Country. The meeting ended today and will continue next week with the breakdown of activities that will be gathered from the media representatives.

“NPC-SS is not only taking part but is the co-chair for the organization of the event and taking lead in all the proposal and budget drafting for the event as well as taking lead in meeting the stakeholders like Media Authority, Ministry of information both National and Central Equatoria, Access to information commission and others”, said Mr. Ochaya, the Executive Director on Wednesday.

NPC-SS is encouraged and has appreciated the good partnership with UNESCO and AMDISS in regards to the media development in the country.