NPC South Sudan trained regulators, media associations, and academia on gender mainstreaming


Group Photo of the Participants at Regency hotel Juba


JUBA 24th Nov 2021.  The National Press Club South Sudan (NPC-SS) with support from UNESCO has conducted a two-day capacity building workshop for regulators, media associations, and academia on gender mainstreaming and promotion of gender equality through the media.

The aim of the training was to inform the participants on the improved capacities of regulatory and legislative bodies in support of SDG5 by promoting policies interventions and ethical codes in order to improve gender equality in the media sector.

The journalists were also trained on editorial guidelines for equal representation of both men and women while reporting and balancing stories by using women who are experts among other important issues.

Journalists and media practitioners, civil society groups were empowered with skills to promote gender equality and equal representation of women in and through the media.


The Chairperson of the board of Directors for the National Press club South Sudan, Mr. Bullen Kenyi Yatta, says in South Sudan, many of our institutions are mainly influenced by some cultural norms.

Kenyi further said the media should use gender mainstreaming to promote gender equality in our offices and community.

“Gender mainstreaming is one of the methods or strategies to achieve that and fortunately or unfortunately the dissemination of information about gender inequality greatly lies on the media and therefore we expect that gender mainstreaming should start from our media organizations and our media houses because you cannot advocate for something that is not practiced yourself “, he said.

Mr. Kenyi has urged journalists to take the knowledge from the workshop and be ambassadors in their various media organizations and media houses.


Mr. Patrick Oyet, the President of the Union of Journalists of South Sudan, has recognized the importance of capacity building in order for the participants to be able to include more women in their reports including those women who are in the grassroots in their native language.

“Capacity building is something that we as the union of journalists think is very important. We believe that all of us have the ability to do great things and that ability can only be enhanced by capacity building for that reason, therefore, this capacity building organized by the national Press club promoted by UNESCO, I think is stepping in the right direction and all of us will also try to build our capacity so that we do our job better “, said Mr. Oyet.

Oyet also recognized the accomplishments of women holding senior positions in the media sector and how this is leading to inclusivity and changing the perception of women not being able to take leadership roles.


Dr. Tap Raj Pant, representative of the UNESCO education sector in South Sudan, says that women in Media are playing a critical role in promoting and SDG4, vision for Education 2030 which was set in 2015.

The SDG analyses the regional context, challenges, and opportunities, and provides policy recommendations through the lens of the overarching themes of equity and inclusion, while also considering the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Many women are in the forefront in South Sudan and they are really contributing to the development of South Sudan which is very good, we need to definitely have a balance, both men and women should work hand in hand so that they can contribute not only to the family but to the community so this is the main intention towards it, If you look at sdg4  article four so there the role of women so women they are two designated value SDG5 is very and within the SDG4 there are several targets for education and one designated body for women girls education and girls participation, girls participation and access to education”, said Raj.

This program aims to improve the capacities of regulators and legislative bodies to support a development goal agenda 2030 by promoting policy interventions in the improved media and I believe that at the end of this training, all our journalists in our various media associations in the country and the members of the civil society will able to take it up and we shall be having equal presentations of women and in various positions.


“Your work can create change or impact in the community”, NPC-SS chair tells Journalists

Photo by NPC-SS


November 7, 2021, NPC-SS chairperson BOD Board of Directors Mr. Bullen Kenyi at the official closure of the two days in-house training in Yirol West at Yirol Community radio station has urged the journalists from the community Radio to remain committed despite the challenges they may encounter while practicing the profession.


“We shall do our best to ensure that we push some of the matters of interest to be addressed by available partners who will be and ready to support such community Radio stations in the country” Bullen adds

Nevertheless, the station Manager for Yirol community Radio Mr. John Ruei said that the management including the journalists will try their best to address the gender gaps and misunderstanding by creating messages that can educate and inform them accordingly to realize the expected impact in the community in regards to gender matters.

He further calls for more training of such to build the capacity of the radio staff and such training should be more than two days to equip the journalists with more knowledge.

One of the participants at the training Mr. Dut Takping appreciated NPC for the opportunity offered to build their capacity through such Gender responsive reporting that tackled gender issues and code of conduct with respect to ethics and the constitution of the country.

Community Radio stations in the Republic of South Sudan faced various challenges that limited them from delivering the required service that benefits the community and Yirol is one among many others that benefited from in-house technical capacity building training to strengthen the performance of Journalists in South Sudan.


Photo by NPC SS

Radio is a tool for development, Says NPC South Sudan



A group photo of the Participants at Yirol community Radio during training on basic journalism and code of conduct, gender-responsive reporting in Yirol West County, Lakes State.

6 Nov. 2021, Yirol; NPC South Sudan on Saturday started two days of Training in Yirol community Radio on basic journalism and code of conduct, gender-responsive reporting in Yirol West County, Lakes State.

At the opening remarks of the event of the In-house training, the Deputy executive director Mr. Dut Mayor Jong said that without journalists there will be no development and for a country to progress there is a need for journalists and the media to do the required work.

He appreciates the initiative brought by NPC-SS and the work done by the Journalists in the county for informing and educating the community on relevant information required.

Mr. Bullen Kenyi Yatta, the chairperson of National Press Club South Sudan (NPC-SS) said the training is to ensure that journalist conduct their work professionally in a conducive working environment since nobody intends to work in challenges.

Bullen said radio is a tool for development through the information disseminated. Therefore, he urged the reporters to open up their minds in learning such knowledge to improve their professional strength in Journalism.

On his part, the station manager of the community Radio Mr. John Ruei Kulang said that there’s a need for such training to be extended for more period of time so that a lot of areas are covered that are relevant to credibly inform the community in a professional manner on the community Radio.

This training is one among the other training conducted in four other Community Radio Stations in South Sudan covered by the

National Press Club to build their capacities to ethically report on Gender issues and scripting production of gender-related programs that later will be aired on the Radios to educate the communities.


NPC-SS Chair of the board of directors during his presentation to the participants through Yirol community Radio during training on basic journalism and code of conduct, gender-responsive reporting in Yirol West County, Lakes State. photo NPC-SS

NPC South Sudan legal proposes separate court for Journalists during panel discussions


NPC South Sudan Legal Advisor Adv. Godfrey Victor Bulla on Friday during the panel discussion

5 November 2021.NPC South Sudan Legal Advisor Adv. Godfrey Victor Bulla on Friday have represented NPC-SS in a panel discussion about “Justice to Journalists”, specifically the implications of the impunity at large as South Sudan commemorates International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists in South Sudan.

“I proposed the adoption of the separate court like the GBV Court to deal with offenses committed against journalists and that court will give more emphasis on the cases of journalists”, said Adv. Godfrey during the panel discussion on Friday.

He said the attack on journalists means an attack on freedom of the press. “Democracy will lose its meaning if citizens are not informed, empowered, and sensitized properly”.

The event was held at Internews, Afex Riverside that brought together different actors such as media houses, advocacy bodies at the media discussion. NPC South Sudan.


NPC South Sudan Legal Advisor Adv. Godfrey Victor Bulla on Friday during the panel discussion

Pictorial of “Meet and Greet dinner”


Juba Nov. 3, 2021, with the support from UNESCO, NPC  South Sudan Organized  “Meet and Greet dinner” at River Camp Afex with various stakeholders as part of the commemoration of International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against journalists today Wednesday 3 Nov. 2021. The event was attended by Diplomatic missions accredited to South Sudan.

Friendly Football Match ends 1 nail in favor of Police


After a friendly Football Match ends 1 nail in favor of Police


Juba- November 3, 2021, As part of marking the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists, the National Press Club of South Sudan in collaboration with other media partners organized a friendly match between the journalists and the police that ended 1:0 in favor of Police.

Speaking during the football match at Hai Seminary in Juba this morning Michael Duku the Chairperson for the organizing committee for End Impunity Against journalists stressed that, the football match aimed at creating a conducive working environment for the journalists with the police and to work together for the common goal of promoting peace and proper information to the public.

On his part, the chairperson for the South Sudan Football Association appreciated the two teams for having played with zeal for peace and togetherness.


He said football is a good game that brings together people for unity, football has no tribe and it does not segregate.

He further urged media partners to always organize such matches as it brings together people, especially journalists with the police to create friendly ground as these are people who have almost the same working ability.

The game peacefully ended 1-0 in favor of the police against the Journalists. NPC-SS believes that such similar games are important and should continue with other stakeholders to strengthen the relations between the journalists and stakeholders from diverse backgrounds.

Media institutions met with Norwegian ambassador to commemorate IDEI


2nd Nov. 2021 Marking the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists. NPC South Sudan, Union of Journalists, The Down Editor, Juba Monitor Met with the ambassador of the Norwegian embassy and staff this morning.

The breakfast meeting centered to commemorate the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists in South Sudan.

“Journalists act as pillars of peace in the society”, says NPC director

Juba Nov. 2 2021-The ED of NPC-SS Mr. Ochaya James and Madam Irene Ayaa of FJN  this morning appeals for the promotion of a conducive working environment for journalists in South Sudan as the country joins the rest of the world to commemorate the international day to End Impunity for Crimes against journalists’ on eye radio during the Dawn show on Eye radio.

“As we join the world, we call our government to take their responsibility of ensuring protection and safety of Journalists across the country”, he said.  

“Journalists act as pillars of peace in the society by passing information that aims to promote peaceful cohesion for peace,” he said. 

According to the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) South Sudan has been ranked number 4 in the world impunity index because the South Sudan government has failed to bring to justice perpetrators of journalists’ crimes to face justice. NPC South Sudan.

Perpetrators of crimes against journalists should be brought for justice-NPC-SS Press Statement



Juba –November 1, 2021, as South Sudan joins the world in the commemoration of the International Day to end impunity for Crimes against journalists’ due tomorrow, the day is a wakeup call for various countries in the world to protect journalists as they do their work, said National Press club South Sudan (NPC-SS) Chairperson Mr. Bullen Kenyi Yatta on Monday.

“The media plays an important role in the promotion of freedom of expression and access to information as a fundamental right in the legal framework in any democratic Country in the globe”, Said Bullen Kenyi, chair of the NPC -SS.

He further urged for the fair trial of perpetrators who committed crimes against journalists in South Sudan.

The national Press Club South Sudan envision to realize a conducive working environment for journalists in South Sudan and such events will improve good relations in journalism profession and the Media as a channel of disseminating and accessing information

The South Sudan media fraternity of which NPC-SS is part and partial adopted the global theme: “countering threats of violence and crimes against journalists to protect freedom of expression for all” which will be followed by series of activities like key notes speeches on November 2, 2021 and a get together meeting to improve the relations among stakeholders and journalists.

The international day to End Impunity for crimes against journalists was adopted at the 68th session of the United National General assembly in 2013 which proclaimed 2nd November as the “International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists” (IDEI). The resolution urged Member States to implement definite measures aimed at countering impunity so as to create a conducive environment for journalists and other media professionals.